STT Emtecs first order with Bospower
STT Emtec and Bospower
Bospower provides among other services diesel propulsion engines for marine purposes and diesel engine-powered generator sets. STT Emtec has delivered the first SCR Marine after-treatment systems to them.
Bospowers objective for SCR Marine
Bospower needs its marine and genset diesel engines to comply with the IMO Tier III regulations for vessels operating within the Emission Control Areas (ECA).
STT Emtec provides the SCR Marine emission reduction system to Bospower’s marine and genset diesel engines to make sure they comply with the NOx emission levels of the IMO Tier III regulations.
BOS Power has delivered IMO Tier III certified propulsion systems for MS Fjorgyn. Consisting of BOS Power IMO Tier III solutions powered with 4 x MTU 10V 2000 M72 engines, and SCR aftertreatment system provided by STT Emtec. The engine and SCR after-treatment system is light, compact, and well-suited for small engine rooms
The STT Emtec SCR Marine installation turned out really well and we expect Bospower to be able to sell more IMO Tier III in the future.

Mailing address: STT Emtec AB,
Box 46, 862 02 Njurunda
Tel: +46 60 64 10 40

Copyright © STT Emtec AB 2023
Visiting address: Njurundavägen 16,
862 40 Njurunda